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LDCMS - Frequently Asked Questions

This page serves as a platform to answer typical everyday questions that you may encounter using LDCMS. It is organized as a simple question-answer list. Please feel free to edit or add questions that have not been answered to your full satisfaction yet. Please also feel free to contact the website administration for further assistance.

Question 0.a: What is LDCMS?

Answer: LDCMS is an abbreviation for Loosdrecht Content Management System. It is a piece of software that has been written to offer an easy way to manage this website.

Question 0.b: What is this page? What is it not?

Answer: This page does not try to replace the official LDCMS online documentation; its purpose is to summarize main procedures in easy-to-follow articles. It is a dynamic site and it will grow with time. Every user is welcome to add their own questions and contributions to answers. In case further assistance is required, please contact the website administration.

Question 1: How do I create a hyperlink?

Answer: ...

Question 2: How can I include an image?

Answer: ...

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