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Group Meetings

Date Name Topic
09.01.2019 Kestutes Merocyanines. Delocalized and trapped excitons
16.01.2019 cancelled  
23.01.2019 Ionela Anomalous Hall effect of Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3/SrRuO3 superlattices with oxygen-octahedron-tailored SrRuO3 structure
30.01.2019 Fumiya GVS tr-MOKE(Kerr rotation, Normalized), pump-fluence dependence, Melting the magnetic orders
06.02.2019 Sebastian Extracting Continua in Raman Spectra of RuCl3
13.02.2019 Raphael Raman spectroscopy on the topological insulator BiSbTeSe2
20.02.2019 Rolf Spin, orbital, and charge "molecules" and "molecular crystals" in quantum materials
27.02.2019 Jingiy Diffusion and exciton-exciton annihilation dominated transient grating dynamics in exfoliated large size monolayer MoSe2
06.03.2019 Karolin  
13.03.2019 Anuja alpha-RuCl3 in high magnetic fields
20.03.2019 Lin Topological Hall Effect Investigation in SrRuObased Heterostructure
27.03.2019 No Group Meeting  
03.04.2019 No Group Meeting DPG  
10.04.2019 Chris The epic Quest for Surface States comes to a close?
17.04.2019 Jörg Things about MOKE I wish I knew beforehand
24.04.2019 Fumiya  
08.05.2019 Kestutes 4 cation perovskites
15.05.2019 Semen Cd3As2 - 3D Dirac semimetal


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